Administrative Assistant Salaries in South Florida: What Are Your Skills Worth?


Employees often wonder if they are truly earning what they are worth. When responsibility piles up and stress starts to mount, there can be days when it feels like there just isn’t enough money in the world to keep you going. As an administrative assistant in South Florida, it’s likely you have those days every now and then.

Administrative assistants shoulder a great deal of responsibility, and they are integral pieces of the corporate machine. So just what are your skills worth?

According to, the median annual salary for administrative assistants in the Boca Raton area is $36,244.  The range is broken out as follows:

  • The bottom ten percent of earners make $29,000 per year
  • The bottom 25 percent earn $32,453 per year
  • The top 75 percent earn $41,417 per year
  • The top 90 percent earn $46,127

Those numbers include salary reports from those who hold the title of Administrative Assistant I, the entry level of the profession. The median salary for an Administrative Assistant II in Boca is $42,235 and the median annual salary for an Administrative Assistant III in Boca is $49,133.

Why You Need to Know The Market

It is important to keep tabs on the South Florida salary market so that you know whether or not you are getting paid what you are worth. While salary is certainly not the most important reason to accept or stay in a position, it is still a very important job satisfaction factor. Knowing the market tells you where to start in salary negotiations should you find yourself on the hunt for a new position, and it tells you whether or not your employer is keeping pace with changing times.

When considering average administrative assistant salaries in Boca or anywhere in South Florida, always remember that salaries vary from job to job; from company to company. Smaller companies may pay less than larger companies (though not always), and the scope of your responsibilities will also determine how much you earn.  Experienced admins can demand more than entry-level professionals, and administrative assistants with unique skills or professional certifications can also expect to negotiate slightly higher salaries.

If you are an administrative professional in the Boca Raton area looking for new and exciting opportunities to grow your career, contact a recruiter at CERS today. We work with some of the most dynamic companies in the region who are looking for well-rounded admins just like you. We look forward to working with you to help you achieve your career goals

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