Remote Workers, Operating in the Cloud, Offer Impressive Productivity Gains

Companies are under increased pressure from clients. Good is no longer good enough. Your clients want great. Plus, costs are rising – and margins are falling. But, what’s the solution, with limited resources – and increasing competition?

There’s good news. You can boost productivity, increase employee satisfaction – and drive better results; with a new strategy that’s quickly gaining popularity. Use remote workers, operating with cloud technology.

This strategy allows you to search outside your local market; acquiring talent with tough to fill skills. Some experts forecast, nearly 80 percent of employees will work outside of their organization by 2020, according to TMC Net.

Here’s why it works.

Cloud technology allows remote workers to access most of what they need…outside of work; including, business services and shared documents. And, they can do it all, in real time. Pretty impressive, right?

Why Cloud-Workers Makes Sense…Now

Cloud technology has been around for a while. But, until recently, it was too expensive for smaller business. Like most new technology, costs go down over time – and it’s now affordable for most businesses.

Plus, cloud technology offers something else important, for companies using remote workers. Safety. When remote workers are accessing information offsite, it’s secure; unlike a basic spreadsheet or other documents. Most cloud applications are password protected, adding an extra layer of security, ensuring data security and safeguarding against theft.

Also, consider this. Most cloud technology has the capability of complete and full-time monitoring of remote worker activity. This allows you to ensure, you’re operating at peak productivity – even if remote workers don’t reside at an office.

Cloud Technology and Human Capital

Using remote workers significantly reduces overhead costs. Think about it. Remote workers often use their own technology. They have their own office space (which you don’t foot the bill for) – and you get access to employees that are geographically diverse, working together, to increase productivity.

Plus, there’s an employee benefit for working remotely. Employees are more comfortable, using their own equipment in their own environment. This boosts employee satisfaction and morale. Plus, remote workers are more responsive; staying connected through smartphones around the clock. This doesn’t replace the office workforce; however, it’s part of an effective strategy to boost productivity.

Ready to discover the benefits of cloud technology and remote workers? Let us help! We’re experts at using advanced technology, to leverage productivity gains. Plus, don’t forget to subscribe to our blog. Get access to the most pressing issues, your company faces; delivered conveniently to your inbox. Simply subscribe to our RSS feed today!


TMC Net. Significant Increase in Remote Cloud-based Workers Likely by 2020. Retrieved 5/9/12 from



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